Much recently, Google introduced the Pixel 7 series in India, which comprises the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. Both smartphones have received a lot of love from consumers across the world. Google is also planning another new smartphone launch in the near future. This new smartphone has been codenamed “G10”. According to a report, the display of the Google Pixel G10 is going to be the same as the one we saw on the Pixel 7 Pro. This means that there will be a 6.7-inch display with support for 1440 x 3120-pixel resolution. BOE, a Chinese display manufacturer, is said to supply the display panels for the upcoming device from Google. The display is also expected to come with Qualcomm’s Ultrasonic fingerprint sensor. Kuba Wojciechowski collaborated with 91Mobiles to tip that Google is working on a new G10 codenamed smartphone. The report claims that the display would be the same as the one we saw on the Pixel 7 Pro and could measure 55mm in height and 71 mm in width. Google is also reported to be working on two other smartphones codenamed ‘Felix’ and ‘Lynx’. Felix could be the foldable device from Google while Lynx could be either Pixel 7 Ultra or the Pixel 7 mini. The Pixel 7 series features Google’s Tensor G2 SoC. In India, the Pixel 7 starts at Rs 59,999 for the sole 8GB+128GB RAM storage variant while the Pixel 7 Pro costs Rs 84,999 for the lone 12GB+128GB variant.