Honor launched its latest device Honor X10 5G in China via an online event. The device is powered with the Kiri 820 SoC and it comes with a triple camera setup in the rear. One of the best things about the device is that it supports 5G. The interesting thing is that even though it is not a flagship device, Honor decided to roll it out with 5G support and other exciting features at a very less price. For the price of the product, keep reading ahead. Honor hasn’t confirmed when the product will be out for global sale or even in China.
Honor X10 5G: Specifications and Features
The smartphone features a 6.63-inch Full HD+ (1080x2400 pixels) display with 397 PPIand has a 92% screen-to-body ratio. It will come with dual SIM (Nano) technology and will be able to support 5G. Honor X10 5G will be running on Android 10 on top of MagicUI3.1.1. It will be powered by the strong octa-core Kirin 820 SoC. Coming to the camera of the device, there is a triple camera setup in the rear. The primary camera comes with a 40MP lens paired with an 8MP secondary lens and a 2MP tertiary lens. The Honor X10 Pro comes with a 4300mAh battery with 22.5W fast-charging support. There is a 3.55mm headphone included with a Type-C USB Port. The device will weigh around 203 grams which will neither feel too light or too heavy to hold.
Honor X10 5G: Pricing and Storage
The Honor X10 Pro comes in three different variants. First one and the cheapest is the 6GB+64GB variant and that comes for CNY 1,899 (approximately Rs 20,200). The second variant of the device with 6GB+128GB comes for CNY 2,199 (approx. Rs 23,400). The last variant and the most expensive one of the Honor X10 5G with 8GB+128GB comes for CNY 2,399 (approx. Rs 25,500). The device will be made available in three different colours from Honor — Racing Blue, Probing Black, and Lightspeed Silver.