The ‘Messenger Room’ feature was rolled out for WhatsApp just a few months back. It allows WhatsApp users to carry out a group video call with up to 50 people, which the normal video calling feature of WhatsApp doesn’t. ‘Messenger Rooms’ is a feature from Facebook, which is integrated within WhatsApp itself. If you want to know how you can create a Messenger Room through WhatsApp, keep reading ahead.
Steps for Creating a ‘Messenger Room’ Through WhatsApp
Do note that you can create a ‘Messenger Room’ from WhatsApp’s mobile application, desktop, as well as a web application. The steps are the same for every kind of version (mobile, desktop, or web) that you are using of WhatsApp. Firstly, open the application on your preferred device, then go to the individual chat you want to select for video call. After that, find the attachments icon on the screen and tap on it. Then find the ‘Rooms’ option, tap on it, and then further tap on the ’Continue in Messenger’ option. The app will provide you with a link that you can send to your contacts. Others can join the same room by simply clicking on the link you have provided them with. You can also make room for your WhatsApp group directly by clicking on the ‘Create Room’ option for your group chat. But the ‘Messenger Room’ feature will only work for groups that have more than five members.
Messenger Rooms Features
One thing you should know about Messenger Rooms is that it is not end-to-end encrypted like WhatsApp. Including you, up to 50 other people can join the room for a video conference call, and there are also filters that you can put up to enhance how you are looking at the call. Users don’t even have to create an account for joining the Room. In addition to that, there are no time limits like you get on Zoom. The creator of the Room has the authority to manage the guest list. The feature is likely to arrive for Instagram soon as well.