Popular social media platform Parler, which is favoured by the United States conservatives on Wednesday dismissed its CEO John Matze, stated the ex-CEO. This comes at a time when the platform is largely offline owing to an attack on the US Capitol and the supposed use of the platform in orchestrating the same. John Matze confirmed this move of termination via text to Reuters. He stated that on January 29, 2021, the Parler Board, which is controlled by Rebekah Mercer had decided to immediately terminate his position as the Chief Executive Officer of Parler. He further went on to state that he did not participate in this decision and the meeting in relation to it, as is stated in a memo he sent to Parler staff, as was originally reported by Fox News. Parler was founded back in 2018 with the driving force for users being the free-speech-driven space that the application has to offer. The application attracted mostly US conservatives, who wished to stay away from other forms of social media and did not wish to adhere to rules in relation to content imposed by the likes of Facebook Inc and Twitter. He then went on to state that Parler did not wish to feature any kind of wrong messages, but, it was and, still is a free speech site and the board wishes to keep it so for the foreseeable future. Talking about Matze and his lay-off, he said that the company’s vision and the CEO’s vision were quite different and it was not the CEO’s vision that the platform wished to follow. Furthermore, talking about Matze’s sudden revelation, he said that the company was handling the issue like gentlemen, but John decided to go public.

Parler CEO John Matze Terminated by the Company s Board - 89