The telecom regulator released a consultation paper on Friday in an effort to gather feedback on how best to make use of big data and artificial intelligence (Al) for the industry. The market for Al and big data is rising quickly, and so is its use across industries. According to the regulator’s report titled “Leveraging Al and big data in the telecommunications sector,” the telecom sector, for example, can use it in areas like quality of service, spectrum management, and network security. The technology can also be used to block intrusive communications and reveal information about coverage within buildings.

More Details About the Study

The study, which comprises 40 questions, discusses the benefits and drawbacks of harnessing big data and artificial intelligence. It mentions limitations on the use of these technologies as well as the concern over client privacy. The report also covers a number of additional topics where the telecom industry may contribute significantly to the use of big data and analytics in other industries. Stakeholders have been urged by TRAI to submit their opinions by September 16 and their responses by September 30. Al has a huge and expanding market already. The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasted that the market for AI would surpass $500 billion by 2024. Additionally, there has been a sharp rise in investment in AI and machine learning (ML) businesses. The Indian analytics and artificial intelligence start-ups received $1,108 million in funding in 2021, the most in seven years, with a 32.5% annual growth rate. “Although Al has many advantages, it can also occasionally lead to grave negative effects like privacy infringement, discrimination, and biased outcomes. The regulators’ attention is being drawn to possible hazards from Al in order to study and consider appropriate measures to limit such risks without sacrificing potential advantages,” TRAI said. Telecom service providers now have access to extraordinary amounts of data sources, including customer profiles, device data, call detail records, network data, customer usage patterns, location data, and data that, when combined, may become big data, thanks to the growing popularity of smartphones and the expansion of mobile internet. By utilising these technologies, telecom operators would be able to improve network quality through improved anomaly prediction, capacity planning with assistance, and self-optimization to adapt to changing conditions. “The study discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using big data and algorithms, including unethical use, bias in data and algorithms, privacy concerns, model instability, and regulatory and legal non-compliance. The topic of risk mitigation has also been discussed. Additionally, it recommends risk management as a design element, “said TRAI

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